Stations od The Cross


We adore Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, and We praise Thee,
because by Thy Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus Christ was delivered into the hands of cruel men, who accused, convicted an innocent. Our Lord revealed the merciful face of the Father and, unfortunately, received as a response the betrayal, the condemnation.

The cruelty of the human being is not only in physical violence, which nowadays cannot be discarded, but also in people’s minds and hearts.

Father of the Mercies, have mercy on the times that I have condemned my neighbour. Forgive my position as an unjust judge, who only condemns and feels better than the others. Have mercy!

# Dying crucified your Jesus is condemned
# oh sinner, for your crimes,
# all because your sinful crimes.

Say: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.


We adore Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, and We praise Thee,
because by Thy Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus receives the cross, the Cross. With this gesture, He now shows us, not with words, but with his own life, what he had said: we must take the cross of each day and follow Him. Without complaining, without murmuring, Jesus assumes the mission that He received from the Father, He understands that the Cross is not a burden, but the means to save the humanity.

Nowadays people flee from the cross, do not want commitment, the cross is still viewed negatively as a symbol of suffering, for no one wants to suffer, everyone wants an easy life.

Merciful Father, the Lord teaches me, through Your Son Jesus, that I should take the cross of each day, I must assume my divine sonship and my human limitations, I must understand that the cross and suffering are often not consequences of sin or punishment, but an instrument for my salvation. Lord, I take today my cross, the cross of today, and I need to carry it and see it with gratitude and hope of salvation. Amen!

# With the Cross He is carried, and the weight, overwhelmed,
# will die for your love, He will die for your love.

Say: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.


We adore Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, and We bless Thee,
because by Thy Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus falls for the first time. The Lord’s Cross is heavy, the lashes are inhuman. With the weight of the cross and the lashes, the fall ends up being inevitable, for the Lord carried not only the weight and the pain, but the world.

The Lord has fallen because of the sins of mankind; on the other hand, men fall because their own sins – vices, pride, indifference. If only when they fell they also had the same attitude as Jesus: to raise and proceed.

Father of the Mercies, my falls are numerous and often inevitable, I even try not to fall, but my weakness, my limitation, my self-sufficiency keep me from standing. I weaken as a human than I am, so I am counting on Your grace to rise and to continue. Amen!

# Through the cross so oppressed, Jesus falls down,
# for your salvation, for your salvation.

Say: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.


We adore Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, and We bless Thee,
because by Thy Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

The path to do the Father’s will is not easy. Who is encouraged to do something good when you are mistreated, ignored and scorned?

On this path of pain, Jesus finds comfort – the presence of his mother, Mary. Do mothers suffer for their child? Mary suffered to see her Son in that state, condemned.

This is Mary’s path. The mother does not forget her son, and even if she forgot, the Father, with maternal affection, would welcome him.

Merciful Father, who chose Mary to be the Mother of the Saviour, help me in this path. May the Mother of Jesus be also consolation, presence in my life. Mother, I go through various difficulties, tribulations, and I feel like giving up. May You, Our Lady, who is the Mother of Mercy, encourage me to persevere in obedience to the commandments of the Lord. Amen!

# Mother Mary very tearful,
# in the encounter that pitiful,
# see the compassionate compassion, see the living compassion.

Pray: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.


We adore Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, and We bless Thee,
because by Thy Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus is God, He is the second Person of the Holy Trinity, He is the Almighty. But despite this, He wanted the help of men, fragile and limited creatures. What a great lesson of humility Our Lord shows us.

Jesus chose some people and gave them authority to help Him in the Ministry. Of course, the Lord knew of the disciples’ weaknesses, even though He gave them a vote of confidence, gave them responsibilities, and even in one of the last moments of His walk on earth He was helped by Simon Cyrenius.

Father of the Mercies, the Lord sent His Son Jesus to save the humanity of the great evil – sin. Your Son Jesus has done all things well, in spite of this, He wanted the help of men for Thy work. The Lord gives me this great lesson: I’m not good alone, alone I cannot. Heal, oh Lord, all my selfishness, because I often want to do things on my own way, I do not open myself to others, I do not I share, therefore I commit mistakes.

Father, have mercy, because you, even being God, wanted to share your best, and I also need to share my best and welcome the other as a brother and not as an enemy. Amen!

# Extremely fainting He had a help very tired,
# welcoming the Cyrenaean, welcoming the Cyrenaean

Pray: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.


We adore Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, and We bless Thee,
because by Thy Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Veronica wipes the Face of Mercy, Jesus Christ. On the way, Jesus went comforted by His Mother, by the Cyrenaean, and now by Veronica. Veronica has compassion of the One who is Compassion. Her gesture of wiping the Face of the Lord resulted in the Face of Mercy printed in that cloth. The experience with Christ led that woman to reveal the Face of Love. Veronica’s charitable attitude brings the lesson: presenting the face of love and reveal It.

In our days the human beings need not only words but testimonies. The Christian must honour this name, for if it is not so, it has no meaning. To be Christian is to reveal the Christ. To be a Christian is to present the Father’s Mercy.

Father, merciful, forgive for the times that, even bearing the name of Christian, I did not reveal Your Holy Face. Forgive for the times that I did not live the charity and, so I did not convince, because the conviction does not come only through words, but mainly by good conduct, by love imprinted on the heart and on life. Amen!

# His bloody Face, by Veronica’s dried up,
# behold with love,
# let us contemplate with love.

Say: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.


We adore Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, and We bless Thee,
because by Thy Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus falls for the second time. Who said that in our life there would be no difficulties? Neither was the Son of God deprived of the heavy path of the Cross.

The second fall shows that Jesus’ forces are ending. What a cross Is this heavy? And to think that He who had no sin was there on the ground. How much humiliation! Why all this? For love, only for love.

Father of the Mercies, Your Son has sinned to save me. That in my I do not forget this love so great that the Lord has for me. Lord, even though I feel that my strength is running out, raise me up with Thy Mercy. Amen!

# Once again the Lord fainted,
# for the downhearted pains,
# fall on the ground the Saviour, on the ground is our Saviour.

Say: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.


We adore Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, and We bless Thee,
because by Thy Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus, the man and God, the God and man, understands human suffering. Although perhaps he was in one of the worst moments, still, the Son of the Beloved Father was able to comfort the women of Jerusalem.

What a great love the Lord has for men and for women. He is the Consoled. How many times did He sympathize with the needy, healing blindness, leprosy, paralysis. Today, how many need to be comforted?

Merciful Father, come to my aid, to my assistance, for I need to be consoled. I suffer for my sins, I suffer because I am a person, sometimes I do right unintentionally; and when I want to hit it, I mistake. Comfort me, Lord, in my pains, in my physical and inner infirmities. Amen!

# Oh pious matrons,
# daughters of Zion were weeping,
# Jesus is consoling, Jesus is the comforter

Say: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.


We adore Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, and We bless Thee,
because by Thy Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus falls for the third time. Someone has doubt that the path Jesus followed was not easy? What happened in the head of Our Lord? I wonder if he thought to give up? Had he felt discouraged?

It is true that any human being would have given up, discouraged, unless had faith and divine strength. Jesus Christ fell for the third time because of the stripes, the punches and the weight of the cross. The more he walked to do the will of God, more came the affronts, the aggressions of body and soul. Today Christians suffer because they seek to do the will of God. They are called to persevere always, never give up, even if they are beaten, that they are slapped and fall. The merciful Father comes to help and, through His Son, sending the Holy Spirit.

Father of Mercies, help me in my falls, which are many. I’m tempted to give up, because I feel powerless. I ask you to send over me, through Jesus, the Holy Spirit, although the attacks come, so the persecutions of the body and soul, because I am following you, that you always raise me up, may your Spirit lead me. Amen!

# He fell prostrate once again,
# by redoubled weight, of sins and of the Cross.
# by sins and the Cross.

Say: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.


We adore Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, and We bless Thee,
because by Thy Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Jesus is near the crucifixion and is stripped of His garments.

The road to Calvary was a path of humiliation, the authorities did not respect Him, the Love was not loved, they stripped the Lord.

Today, unfortunately, “nudity is distorted in its concept and image and is exploited by pleasure without love and without commitment to life. Excessive exposure is propagated as unreal freedom. Thus, the body of the human being became an object, a product. Men have lost the notion of the sacred, that their body is the abode of the divine, and therefore should not be trivialized, sold, or purchased.

Merciful Father, the nakedness of Thy Son shows me that I must take care of myself, that I am the temple of Thy Spirit, that I am sacred also outwardly. Forgive me, Lord, for the times I wore unsuitable robes, which I stripped myself before other people to seduce them and induce them to sin. Forgive me for why I did not take care of myself. Lord, may Thy nakedness of love cover my nakedness of malice and seduction. Amen!

# The robes were robbed, by ill-treated executioners,
# I see Thee, my Lord Jesus,
# I see, You, my Jesus.

Say: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.


We adore Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, and We bless Thee,
because by Thy Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Jesus is nailed to the Cross. Throughout the course, the Cross was heavy and companion, but now it is no longer taken, for it is joined to Christ by nails.

The Son joins the wood in order to outrageously love men on top of that Calvary. If, before, in the first Paradise came the disobedience, now the Lord, on the wood of the cross, through obedience, redeems sinners and brings salvation.

Father of the Mercies, Thy Son was nailed to the Cross, He made Himself sin to save me. He took the Cross and was nailed for obedience to it. Lord, today I ask you to be crucified everything that separates me from You. Take on Thy Cross my sins. In this moment I decide to break with all sin. May all the evil that separates me from Thee be nailed on the Cross. Amen!

# Thou are for me the on Cross nailed, insulted, blasphemed,
# with blindness and with fury, with blindness and fury.

Say: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.


We adore Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, and We bless Thee,
because by Thy Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Jesus dies on the Cross, “everything is finished,” the Beloved Son of the Father fulfilled His mission, was obedient unto death, and death of the Cross.

Perhaps anyone who passed by said that it was a failure, that everything He had done was in vain, might have said, “What now? He died?”

In the Christian path or on that path that every human being does, not everything goes right, often comes the disconsolation, the hopelessness, and everybody without exception, go through it. However, for the Christian there is a light, the words of the Lord, his teachings spoke of this moment of death and also of resurrection, the death is certain for all and that death is for the sinful realities that persist in accompanying the man.

Merciful Father,with the death of Thy Son on the Cross may come my death to sin, in His death of Cross the new life arises. Lord, let all the realities that keep me away from Your love die. Thy Cross is not cursed, but blessed because it is Salvation. Amen.

# For my crimes you have suffered, My Jesus, through me you died.
# Oh! How great is my pain!
# Oh! How great is my pain.

Say: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.


We adore Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, and We bless Thee,
because by Thy Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Jesus is descended from the Cross. Maria, the first lap that received Him as a baby promise of salvation, is now the same lap that welcomes Him after a hard journey and suffering.

Before Mary welcomed the fragility of a child and now welcomes in her arms the fragility of a man with His fulfilled mission. May Mary, the Mother of the Lord, continue to welcome the suffering. She is the Pieta, the Pity, the Mother of the Mercy.

Today men and women need the lap of the Mother. May Mary, Mother of the Mercy, welcome so many sons and daughters who are lost for lack of a welcoming and a true friendship.

Father of the Mercies, the Lord loved humanity through Thy Son Jesus. You gave Him a mother, Mary, the Mother of Mercy. “Mother of Heaven, take me into your lap, I need consolation, love and care. Just before of the death of His Son, He charged her to take me in. Mother, welcome and love me. Amen!”

# From the wood Thou has been taken and given to the Mother,
# what pain and compassion,
# what pain and compassion.

Say: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.


We adore Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, and We bless Thee,
because by Thy Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

The Son of God, having fulfilled His mission in obedience to the Father, is placed in the tomb. The pain of those who wanted Him well was great. The uncertainty, the fear and pain for the loss were immeasurable. It is not easy to lose someone dear.

When someone is buried, the commotion is inevitable, because the presence of the person. At the death of Thy Son, there was hope, expectation and the consolation. It is His words, His life and the promise of the Resurrection.

Merciful father, the pain of death is still strange, burying someone is still suffering for those who stay. The Lord through the death and burial of Jesus, bless all the temporary dwellings that welcome the body of loved ones. May through the burial of Christ be sown in my heart the hope and the remembrance of His words: “On the third day He shall rise again.” I believe in Resurrection, I believe in Eternal Life. Even I face physical separation of those of mine, fill my heart with joy and hope for this definitive meeting with you. Amen!

# In the grave You have been left,
#buried You have been wept,
# hurting in the heart, hurting in the heart.

Say: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.


Father of the Mercies and God of all consolation, we want to give you thanks by the meditation we have done as we go through the painful journey of Christ, which is ours too. By the Way of the Cross of Your Son Jesus Christ our Saviour we learn that life is a gift, a real gift, and that sufferings are inevitable, but at the same time we find solace and hope in you, infinite mercy Amen!

Pray: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.

For the intention of the Supreme Pontiff to gain indulgences.

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